Super fun and sparkling good quality. They look even more beautiful in real)
Auspicious Pineapple Collection-
Choose - Design from left to right - see sizes below (See measurement photos)
Pink 1 (smaller) -2.5" Tall
Pink 2- 2 3/4" tall
Clear 1 (Smaller) 2.5"
Clear 2- 2 3/4"
Purple- 2 3/4
Yellow 1-(Dark green in leaves)2 3/4"
Yellow-2 - 2 3/4"
Teal - 2 3/4"
Natural Pineapple- (Small)-2"
Yellow Pineapple- (Small)-1 3/4"
See measurement photos
Note: This price for one pin. Price varies according to pin design.
All gems are crystals and rhinestones on gold or silver color metal
Ideas for Use- Depending on size (Check measurements carefully for the use you are using them for.
Put on Turbans or as a pendant Use as a Pendant, Put on Srimati Radharani's hand.with tickey tack(Consider size). Use as an altar decoration. You can cut off the pin in the back.. (a long straight pin), Use as you wish. The large pineapples have a loop in back to use for a string or chain to hang them from (Just below the leaves)